Welcome to the Woodrow Wilson PTA Blog Site. We are excited this year to present many new ways of having information available to the parents, teachers and administration of Woodrow Wilson Elementary. We can be reached at wwilsonpta@gmail.com or check our PTA information site at http://my.uen.org/235820 for upcoming events, website links, and forms and documents available for downloading.
September is our membership drive and we would like to encourage everyone to participate. Membership fee has stayed the same this year at $5.00 per membership. Please see the office for an application & envelope, download from http://my.uen.org/235820, or email me at wwilsonpta@gmail.com and I will send you one.
We are excited to announce that Woodrow Wilson will be once again participating in the PTA Reflections competition. "For 40 years the National PTA Reflections program has encouraged students across the nation and in American Schools overseas to explore their talents through the Arts." This year's theme is: "Together We Can ..." Students may submit original items in the categories of 3-D, Dance, Film/Video, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, Theatre and Visual Arts. Entry forms and rules for each category can be found at: http://www.utahpta.org/prog/reflections Deadline for entry submissions at Woodrow Wilson Elementary will be on Friday, October 8, 2010.
Woodrow Wilson is also participating in the following programs: Box Tops for Educations, Campbell's Soup Labels for Education and eLabels for Education, Cream O'Weber Give 'Em Five, Dan's receipts, Smith's Food & Drugs Earn & Learn, and Rite Aid's prescription transfers. All these programs help our school earn money to fund programs/events. So please keep sending those Box Tops, soup labels, Dan's Food receipts, and Cream O'Weber bottle caps to us!! We appreciate your support!!
We hope you will return often to our blog site for our posts and our UEN informational page to see what events and other important information is available. We also hope that you will join us by becoming a member of the Woodrow Wilson PTA! As always, comments are always welcomed. You can email us at wwilsonpta@gmail.com
Janet K. Arakaki-Moulton
PTA President, Woodrow Wilson Elementary